FBHFW Vision Edit Welcome to Vision Edit. Vision Edit is an easy-to-use text editor. You can edit multiple text files simultaneously. All functions of Vision Edit can be selected either from pull-down menus or by pressing short-cut keys. You can invoke Vision Edit with file name as a command line parameter e.g. VED *.PAS. In this case Vision Edit will open all the files in the current directory with PAS extension. Vision Edit provides full mouse support but if you do not have a mouse you can still access all the functions from the keyboard. menu is accessed by pressing Alt-Space. All the other menus are accessed by pressing Alt-L, where L is the first letter of the menu. For example, the "File" menu is pulled down by Alt-F. The screen of Vision Edit is devided into 3 areas : - Menu Bar (top line) - Status Line (bottom line) - Desktop (area between Menu Bar and Status Line) Edit Window Edit Windows are where you type in and edit your text files. T You can open as many Edit windows as you want (as long as there is enough memory). l Closing and Opening Edit Windows To close an active Edit window, click the window's close box [ ] or choose Windows Close. _ To open an Edit window, choose File Open. You can open the same file in more than one window. H For More Information Choose one of these for more information: Using Windows Using editor Find dialog (text search) Replace dialog File command File command Menu Bar Menu Bar is the top line on the screen which displays menu choices. Each menu choice contains a pull-down menu which can be displayed by clicking on the menu item (e.g. File), or by pressing a short cut key Alt-L where L is a highlighted letter of the menu item (e.g. Alt-F for File menu). You can also get to the menu bar by pressing F10 function key and then you can use arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired menu choice and press to open the pull-down menu. Pull-down Menus Each Pull-down Menu contains a list of functions that can be selected by moving the cursor with the arrow keys and pressing , or by clicking the mouse on the menu item, or by pressing a highlighted letter (typically the first letter). If no letter is highlighted, it means that the function is not active in the current context, for example you cannot save a text to the file if no window is open. Some menu items have a short cut defined next to the function name e.g. 'Close Alt-F3'. Such functions can be activated by pressing a short cut key from any point in the program (if a function is active) without having to open a pull-down menu. Status Line The Status Line (the bottom line of the screen) contains a list of most often used functions which can be activated by pressing a short cut key shown left to the function name or by clicking the mouse on the function name. O If a function is active in the current context, its short cut is highlighted. Desktop Desktop is your work area between the Menu Bar and the Status Line. You can open various windows, dialog boxes and entry forms on the Desktop. Dialog Box Dialog boxes enable you to enter various kinds of data. # A dialog box typically contains : - input line (sometimes with a history list) e.g. : Name - check boxes e.g. : [X] Case sensitive [X] Whole words only [X] Prompt on Replace [X] Replace all - buttons e.g. : [ Open ] You can select any of the above elements by either clicking with a mouse or using key (moves the focus to the next element). T If the focus is on a button press key to push the button (or use a mouse). If the focus is on a set of check boxes use Up- and Down-arrow keys to move from box to box, and use key to toggle the setting (or use a mouse). o If the focus is on a set of radio buttons use Up- and Down-arrow keys to change the setting (or use a mouse). To cancel a dialog box you have to press key, or press key, or click on the close box, or click on the standard [CANCEL] button (if one exists). Calculator The calculator is equipped with most common math functions. To operate the calculator you can either use the keyboard or press the buttons on the calculator with the mouse. . Press Alt-F3 or Esc to close the calculator. Calculator Functions You can select a function by either clicking on a function button with the mouse or by pressing a highlighted letter-key. 3 Calculator functions : ====================== [BIN] BINary mode [HEX] HEXadecimal mode [DEC] DECimal mode [ CL] Cancel last operation [ AC] All Clear [ + ] addition [ - ] subtraction [ * ] multiplication [ / ] division [ = ] display result [NEG] NEGation [F-C] switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius mode [D\R] switch between Degree and Radian mode [MWR] WRite to Memory [MRD] ReaD from Memory [ ( ] open bracket [ ) ] close bracket [TAN] TANgens [SIN] SINe [COS] COSine [ % ] percent [LOG] decimal LOGarithm [LNx] Natural Logarithm [e^y] e to the power of y [Pi ] [REV] REVerse (1/x) [SQR] SQuaRe [SRT] Square RooT [FAC] factorial (!) [POW] x to the POWer of y Keys [A],...,[F] can be used only in HEX mode, either by clicking on them or by pressing Ctrl-A,...,Ctrl-F. Additional functions: [Send-EX] Send Expression to the edit window [Send-RU] Send Result to the edit window Calendar The calendar displays the current month, highlighting today's date. The next and previous months can be viewed using the '+' or '-' keys respectivly. The mouse can also be used to change the month by clicking on the icons. % Press Alt-F3 to close the calendar. ASCII Table The ASCII table displays the entire IBM PC character set. The current character is marked by a blinking block cursor, and the hexadecimal and decimal ASCII values of the character are displayed below the chart. A new character is selected by pressing it on the keyboard, by clicking the mouse on it in the chart, or by moving the cursor using the cursor keys. You can also send characters which cannot be entered from the keyboard to the active edit window. You do it by positioning the cursor on a selected character and pressing [Send-C] button. ( Press Alt-F3 to close the ASCII table. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to select, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). Files FILENM01.PAS FILENM09.PAS FILENM02.PAS FILENM10.PAS FILENM03.PAS FILENM11.PAS FILENM04.PAS FILENM12.PAS FILENM05.PAS .. FILENM06.PAS \MOREXAMP FILENM07.PAS \TOURS FILENM08.PAS \ANSWERS.DIR The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\TP\EXAMPLES\*.PAS HELLO.PAS 52 Jul 14,1990 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. Drives A: B: C: D: You can change the disk drive by double-clicking on the drive name or by highlighting the drive name and pressing Enter. [ Open ] The Open button opens a new edit window and places the selected file in that window. [Select] The Select button marks ( character in front of the file name) or unmarks a file for openning. You can open several files at once by marking them using Select button, double-clicking on the file name, or pressing the Space key. [ Cancel ] If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) Using Edit Windows A window is a bordered screen area that you can move, resize, zoom, rearrange, close, and open. You can have any number of windows open on the desktop (as long as there is enough memory), but only one window can be active at any time. The active window is the one that you're currently working in. It always has a double-lined border around it, and it always has these elements: Line/Column Block Mode Dragging On Close Zoom box Current Char box Code Title Bar ^ ^ ^ Line # Column # Scroll Bars Generally, any command you choose or text you type applies only to the active window. j If your windows overlap, the active window is always the topmost one (the one on top of all the others). To make a window active (topmost), click on the window area (if part of it is visible), use Windows command or press F6 until you get to the desired window. Also first 9 windows are numbered from 1 to 9. If the window has a number it is displayed beside the Zoom Box (in the upper right corner). Numbered windows can be selected by pressing Alt- keys where is the window number (1..9). Edit windows also show the cursor's position (the current line and column number) as YY:XX in the bottom of the Edit window frame, where YY is the line number and XX is the column number. L Every active edit window displays the Ascii code of the current character. Using Editor There are two ways to get into an open Edit window (make it active): m 1) Click on it. 2) Press (or click) F6 to cycle through the open windows (or choose Windows Next). To close the active Edit window, choose Windows Close, click on a close box or press Alt-F3. Q Once in the Edit window, you enter text just as if you were using a typewriter. u When you want to end a line, press Enter. To exit the editor, press F10 (it will get you to the menu bar). The maximum line width in an Edit window is 2048 characters. See also: window Cursor Movement Commands Insert Delete Commands Block Commands Miscellaneous Commands Entering ASCII codes Entering ASCII codes You can enter ASCII codes directly from the keyboard - hold down Alt key, enter ASCII code from the numeric keypad and release Alt key. d You can enter characters in this way into an active edit window or into Search/Replace dialog box. W Another method of entering ASCII codes into an active window is by using ASCII Table. In order to enter special characters (with ASCII codes < 32) into Search/Replace dialog box first press Ctrl-K and then a combination of keys corresponding to that character, e.g.: - Ctrl-K Ctrl-A gives character #1 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-B gives character #2 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-C gives character #3 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-M gives character #13 (CR) See also: Ascii Table [ OK ] The OK button saves a file from the active window under the name entered onto input box. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name under which you want to save the file, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). Clipboard Clipboard is a special window to/from which you can copy/paste/cut blocks of text to/from other edit windows. You can edit Clipboard like any other edit window exept for it can hold no more than 64KB of text. Also Clipboard works only in Line Mode and it cannot be switched to Column Mode. See also block commands. Print Status Window Print Status Window displays the following (with respect to the currently printed file): - current character number - current line number (on the current page) - current page number - file name - Graphical Indicator showing the percentage already printed: | | | 0% 50% 100% [ Open ] The Open button opens a file for printing. Regular Expressions Regular Expresions can be used in a search string. They can contain the following wildcard characters: ` ^ A circumflex at the start of the string matches the start of a line. $ A dollar sign at the end of the expression matches the end of a line. . A period matches any character. * A character followed by an asterisk matches any number of occurrences (including zero) of that character. For example "bo*" matches "bot","b", "boo" and also "be". + A character followed by a plus sign matches any number of occurrences (but not zero) of that character. For example "bo+" matches "bot" and "boo", but not "be" or "b". [] Characters in brackets match any one character that appears in the brackets but no others. For example "[bot]" matches "b", "o" or "t". [^] A circumflex at the start of the string in brackets means NOT. Hence, "[^bot]" matches any characters except "b", "o" or "t". [-] A hyphen within the brackets signifies a range of characters. For example, "[b-o]" matches any character from "b" through "o". \ A backslash before a wildcard character means that the wildcard will be treated as a normal character not as a wildcard. Tool Bar The Tool Bar can be displayed or hidden at the top of the screen by choosing Windows|Show/Hide Bar item from the pull down menu. You can click on the tool bar with a mouse to generate command. Icons represent commands: i replace words print block/file search again line/block mode switch find word reformat paragraf system close file close tool bar clock 12:25:04 open file save file spelling checker help on the tool bar Print Manager Print Manager maintains a queue of print jobs. The Print Manager window displays the Print Queue showing for each file: - File Name; - File Size; - the current count of characters already sent to the printer (in bytes or KB); - the current percentage of characters already sent to the printer; - Status: Idle, Printing, Stopped, or Printer Error. The Print Manager window also contains the following buttons: - Close: Closes the Print Manager window; - Stop Printing: Stops Printing the active print job (top file); - Resume Printing: Resumes Printing of the previously stopped print job or Resumes Printing after a printer error; if you select Stop After Every Page in Print Options printing will have to be Resumed after every page; - Delete File: Deletes a highlighted file from the Print Queue; - Delete All: Deletes All files from the Print Queue; - Help: Displays this Help topic; - Print File: Displays the Select Print window from which you can select a file for printing (the file will be appended to the Print Queue); - Print Options: Displays the Print Options dialog box where you can set some print options (LPT port, page length, margins, etc.); - Header: Displays the Header window where you can create a Header; - Footer: Displays the Footer window where you can create a Footer. VGA Installation Procedure If you have a VGA graphics card that supports other screen modes than the standard ones (e.g. 132 columns) Vision Edit is capable of using those screen modes. However, before other screen modes can be used, you have to install them by following the procedure described below: 1) If you have one of the following graphic cards: ERGO-VGA, SPEEDSTAR, or TRIDENT go to step 3. If your VGA card manual lists all supported text modes go to step 2. Otherwise, run TESTMODE.EXE (provided with Vision Edit) and write down all useful text modes (note mode #, # lines, and # columns) from 0-255. TESTMODE.EXE displays all the necessary information to use it (to count the number of lines use down arrow key and go to the bottom of the screen). 2) Run MAKEDRV.EXE program (provided with Vision Edit) and create a new driver for your card by selecting Driver|New menu function. Enter all screen modes identified in step 1 and exit the program. m 3) Copy a created (or selected) driver (*.DRV) to Vision Edit home directory and rename it to STANDARD.DRV. 4) Start Vision Edit and select Options|Change Screen Mode menu function. You should be able to see a dialog box containing all your screen modes. , Also see: Screen Selection dialog Help Index |About |ASCII table ASCII Table ASCII Codes keyboard Box Commands Calculator Calculator Functions |Calculator Calendar |Calendar Center Clipboard Colors Dialog Config|Define Table Config|Mode Direction Config|Load Table Desktop Dialog Define Translation Table Directories Dialog Edit|Block Dragging On/Off Edit|Clear Edit|Copy Edit|Cut Edit|Insert Edit|Line/Column Block Edit|Paste Edit|Show clipboard Edit|Insert Edit Window Edit|Undo File|Change File|Close File|DOS shell File|Exit File|New File|Open File|Read File|Run Program File|Run Spelling Checker File|Save File|Save File|Save File|Write Block File Manager dialog |File Manager Find Dialog Help KeyCmds|Boxes|DoubleBox KeyCmds|Boxes|Eraser KeyCmds|Boxes|MixedBox KeyCmds|Boxes|SingleBox KeyCmds|GoTo Marker KeyCmds|Set Marker Macro Continue Macro Delete Macro Macro Macro Execute Macro Macro Repeat Macro Start, Macro Suspend |Memory Menu Mouse Options Dialog Open Dialog Options|Clear Desktop Options|Colors Options|Mouse Options|Load Options Options|Preferences Options|Restore Desktop Options|Screen Blanker Options|Save Desktop Options|Save Options Preferences dialog Print|Close Print Manager Print|Display Print Manager Print Dialog Print Manager Print Options Dialog Print|Print Print|Print Block/File Print|Print Options Print|Stop Print Print Status Window Pull-down Reformat Reformat Paragraph Regular Expressions Replace Dialog Program Dialog Spelling Checker Screen Blanker Dialog Screen Selection dialog Search|File Search Search|Find Search|GoToLine Search|GoToPage Search|Replace Search|Search again Search|Text Search Options Dialog Sort Lines Dialog Status Text Editor Tool Using Windows Installation Procedure Vision Windows|Cascade Windows|Close Windows|Close Windows|Next Windows|Previous Windows|Show/Hide Ruler Windows|Show/Hide Windows|Size/move Windows|Switch Screen Windows|Synchro Windows|Tile Windows|Zoom About When you choose the About command from the (System) menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and program version information. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. Calendar The Calendar menu item opens a small calendar which displays the current month. It also allows you to view other months. ASCII table The ASCII menu items opens an ASCII Table that displays the IBM PC character set. Characters can be sent from ASCII table to the active edit window. Calculator When you choose Calculator, a calculator is opened on the desktop. See also Calculator Functions. Memory Info Memory Info displays a Memory Information Window containing the following : , - Total DOS memory : the amount of RAM memory in KB (up to 640KB) - Program size : the size (in bytes) of the part of the program which stays in memory all the time (not overlayed) - Editor buffer : the amount of memory in bytes allocated to the text editor - Overlays buffer : the amount of memory in bytes allocated to overlays (parts of the program that are loaded to memory from a hard disk when needed) - Remaining free memory : the amount of free memory in bytes used for dynamic allocation (heap) e.g. for windows; File Open (F3) The File Open command displays the 'Open a File' dialog box. In this dialog box you select the name of the text file you want to edit. & The Open File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory a list Drives the standard Cancel button Open action button Select action button an information panel that describes the selected file File New opens a new Edit Window. The window gets the name "Untitled" and will have to be given a different name before saving to a disk. File Save (F2) Save command saves a file from the active edit window on the disk. If a file name does not contain a path the file is saved in the current directory. File Save as Save as command allows you to save the file from the active window to a disk under a different name. This command opens a 'Save File as' dialog box. ' The Save as dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory a list Drives the standard Cancel button the standard OK button an information panel that describes the selected file File Save all This command saves all modified files that are open without asking for confirmation. File Close File This command closes the active (top) edit window. If the file has been modified you will be asked if you want to save it. N You can also click the Close box in the upper left corner to close a window. File Write Block This function allows you to write a selected block of text to a file. The 'Save Block as' dialog box will be displayed in which you can enter the file name under which you want to save the selected block of text. ( The Save Block as dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory a list of Disk Drives the standard Cancel button the standard OK button an information panel that describes the selected file File Read This function allows you to read a file into current text. The text will be inserted into current cursor position. The standard 'Open a File' dialog box is opened. P In this dialog box you select the name of the text file you want to read from. & The Open File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory a list Drives the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file File Change dir Change Dir brings up the Change Directory dialog box, in which you can change the current directory. File DOS shell With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. m It is strongly recommended that you save all modified files (File|Save all) before using DOS Shell command. Y File|Dos Shell command now gives you almost all memory available below 640KB (it can vary between 500-600KB depending on the system configuration). This is achieved by swapping contents of RAM memory to either Expanded Memory (if available), what gives a very fast performance, or to a temporary VED.SWP file which is created on your drive c:. 8 To return to Vision Edit, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. Also see File|Run Program j DOS Shell command has been developed using a procedure released to public domain by TurboPower Software. File Run Program File|Run Program command allows you to run external programs or execute DOS commands from within Vision Edit. This command opens up a Run Program dialog box which lets you enter (or select) the program (or DOS external command) name and parameters that will be passed to it (if any). You can install programs that you want to use more often by entering the program name on the input line and then clicking on the Add button. You can remove programs from the list of installed programs by highlighting the program's name and then clicking on the Remove button. Also see File|Dos Shell l Run Program command has been developed using a procedure released to public domain by TurboPower Software. File Run Spelling Checker File|Run Spelling Checker command allows you to run external Spelling Checker program. This command opens up a Run Spelling Checker dialog box which lets you enter the name of the Spelling Checker program and the name of the file to be checked. G If you want the VED to save the name of the Spelling Checker program: -Enter the name of the program -press GO button (invokes the Spelling Checker program) -now choose 'Save Options' item from pulldown menu under 'Options' File Exit The Exit command terminates Vision Edit and returns you to DOS prompt. Edit Undo (Ctrl-U) Undoes all the inserts and deletes made from the last cursor movement. Once you move the cursor you cannot undo the changes made before. Edit (Shift-Del or Ctrl-K Y) Deletes the selected block of text from the active window and copies it to the clipboard. See also block commands. Edit Copy (Ctrl-Ins or Ctrl-K K) Copies the selected block of text from the active window to the clipboard. See also block commands. Edit Paste Copies a block of text from the clipboard to the active window. See also block commands. Edit Show clipboard Displays a clipboard window on the screen. Edit Clear (Ctrl-Del) Deletes the selected block of text from the active window. If you are in the column mode you cannot undo this operation. See also block commands. Edit Line/Column Block Mode This command enables you to switch between Line and Column block mode. Z "L" displayed at the top left corner of the active window indicates the Line block mode. \ "C" displayed at the top left corner of the active window indicates the Column block mode. Both Line and Column block mode work with Block selection as well as block operations (block delete, copy, cut, paste & block dragging). Z For block selection and block dragging you can use both mouse and keyboard (arrow keys). See also: - Edit|Block Dragging On/Off, Block Commands Edit Block Dragging On/Off This command switches between Drag Mode On and Off. If Drag Mode is On then "D" is displayed at the top left corner of the active window (beside Line/Column Block Mode indicator). If you are in a drag mode (after you have selected a block) you can drag a block around the window using either mouse or arrow keys. In a Column Mode you can drag a block in all 4 directions while in a Line Mode you can drag a block only up and down. In a Drag Mode most commands are not active (except for some block operations: cut, block delete, paste, copy, line/column mode). See also: . Edit|Line/Column Block Mode, Block Commands KeyCmds|Box Commands Box Commands allow drawing boxes in 3 different styles (plus erasing) with the Arrow Keys or using a mouse. See: KeyCmds|Boxes|NoBox, r KeyCmds|Boxes|SinleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|DoubleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|MixedBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|Eraser NoBox (Ctrl-Alt-0) or (Shift-Alt-0) It restores a normal mode of operation for Arrow Keys if you have used them for drawing boxes. j See also: KeyCmds|Boxes|SinleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|DoubleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|MixedBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|Eraser SingleBox (Ctrl-Alt-1) or (Shift-Alt-1) It selects Single Box drawing style. You can draw boxes using Arrow Keys or a mouse. To draw a box (or a line) using a mouse click at one point (first box corner), move the mouse cursor to another location (opposite box corner), and click again. A box will be created with two opposite corners located where you clicked a mouse. If two clicked points are on the same line a horizontal line will be created. If two clicked points are on the same column a vertical line will be created. Example Single Box: O See also: KeyCmds|Boxes|NoBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|DoubleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|MixedBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|Eraser DoubleBox (Ctrl-Alt-2) or (Shift-Alt-2) It selects Double Box drawing style. You can draw boxes using Arrow Keys. To draw a box (or a line) using a mouse click at one point (first box corner), move the mouse cursor to another location (opposite box corner), and click again. A box will be created with two opposite corners located where you clicked a mouse. If two clicked points are on the same line a horizontal line will be created. If two clicked points are on the same column a vertical line will be created. Example Double Box: O See also: KeyCmds|Boxes|NoBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|SingleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|MixedBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|Eraser MixedBox (Ctrl-Alt-3) or (Shift-Alt-3) It selects Mixed Box drawing style. You can draw boxes using Arrow Keys. To draw a box (or a line) using a mouse click at one point (first box corner), move the mouse cursor to another location (opposite box corner), and click again. A box will be created with two opposite corners located where you clicked a mouse. If two clicked points are on the same line a horizontal line will be created. If two clicked points are on the same column a vertical line will be created. Example Mixed Box: R See also: ] KeyCmds|Boxes|NoBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|SingleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|DoubleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|Eraser Eraser (Ctrl-Alt-4) or (Shift-Alt-4) It puts Arrow Keys into Erase Mode. Using Arrow Keys you can erase boxes and other characters. To erase a box (or a line) using a mouse click at one point (first box corner), move the mouse cursor to another location (opposite box corner), and click again. A box will be erased (or text will be overwritten with spaces) with two opposite corners located where you clicked a mouse. If two clicked points are on the same line a horizontal line will be erased. If two clicked points are on the same column a vertical line will be erased. See also: _ KeyCmds|Boxes|NoBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|SingleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|DoubleBox, KeyCmds|Boxes|MixedBox Mark Block Beginning This command marks beginning of a block at the current cursor position. Also it begins block selection - cursor movement causes selection of a block from the previously marked beginning of the block to the cursor position. See also block commands. Delete Block (Ctrl-Del) This command deletes a selected block of text. If you are in the column mode you cannot undo this operation. If you are in the column mode it is safer to use Edit|Cut command instead. ) This is the same command as Edit|Clear. See also block commands. Hide Block This commands hides a selected block. See also block commands. Paste from Clipboard This command copies a block of text from Clipboard to the active edit window. The block is inserted at the current cursor position. ) This is the same command as Edit|Paste. See also block commands. Cut to Clipboard This command deletes a selected block of text from the active edit window and copies it to Clipboard. ' This is the same command as Edit|Cut. See also block commands. Copy to Clipboard This command copies a selected block of text to Clipboard. ( This is the same command as Edit|Copy. See also block commands. Indent Block This command inserts "indent characters" (typically spaces) at the beginning of all lines of a selected block, moving this way a block to the right. You can change "indent characters" from spaces to any other character or to a string of characters in the Preferences dialog box. See also: 6 Block Commands, Unindent Block, Default Indent. Unindent Block This command removes spaces at the beginning of all lines of a selected block(if there are any), moving this way a block to the left. See also: " Block Commands, Indent Block. Default Indent (Ctrl-K Space) This command restores the indent character to a space character. You can change "indent characters" from spaces to any other character or to a string of characters in the Preferences dialog box. See also block commands. Upper to Lower Case This command changes all upper case characters within a selected block to a lower case. See also: 3 block commands, Lower Upper Case, Flip Case. Lower to Upper Case This command changes all upper case characters within a selected block to a lower case. See also: 3 block commands, Upper Lower Case, Flip Case. Flip Case This command switches all characters within a selected block from lower to upper and from upper to lower case. See also: = block commands, Upper Lower Case, Lower Upper Case. Print Block/File This command prints a selected block. If no block has been selected the whole file from the active edit window will be printed. See also: $ block commands, Print|Print File. Character Left This command moves the cursor one position to the left. ~ If you are in a block selection mode (after pressing Ctrl-K B) a highlighted block will increase or decrease by 1 character. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Character Right This command moves the cursor one position to the right. ~ If you are in a block selection mode (after pressing Ctrl-K B) a highlighted block will increase or decrease by 1 character. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Word Left This command moves the cursor to the beginning of a word left from the current cursor position. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Word Right This command moves the cursor to the beginning of a word right from the current cursor position. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Line Up This command moves the cursor one line up from the current cursor position. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Line Down This command moves the cursor one line down from the current cursor position. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Page Up This command moves the cursor one screen up from the current cursor position. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Page Down This command moves the cursor one screen down from the current cursor position. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Screen Top This command moves the cursor to the top of the screen. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Screen Bottom This command moves the cursor to the bottom of the screen. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Screen Center This command moves the cursor to the middle line of the screen. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Text Start This command moves the cursor to the beginning of a text. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Text End This command moves the cursor to the end of a text. $ See also Cursor Movement Commands. Insert Mode On/Off This command toggles between insert and overwrite modes. Q In the insert mode a cursor shape is a blinking line under a current character. X In the overwrite mode a cursor shape is a blinking rectangle over a current character. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Delete Line This command deletes a current line. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Delete to End of Line This command deletes text from a cursor position to the end of a line. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Delete to Start of Line This command deletes text from a cursor position to the beginning of a line. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Delete Char Left This command deletes a character left from a cursor position. The cursor then is moved by one position to the left. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Delete Char This command deletes a character on which a cursor is positioned. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Delete Word Right This command deletes text from a cursor position to the end of a word. If the cursor is not positioned on a word all characters from the cursor position to the next word will be deleted. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Duplicate Line This command duplicates a current line and inserts it below. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Abort Operation This command usually cancels the all the changes made in a dialog box and then closes the dialog box. It is equivalent to clicking on a Cnacel button. See also dialog box. Tab This command is equivalent to pressing a Tab key. Depending on the settings in the Preferences dialog box it can result in inserting a Tab character or spaces at a cursor position. Close Active Window This command closes an active edit window or dialog box. " See also Miscellaneous Commands. Auto Indent On/Off This command toggles auto indent On and Off. You can also do it in a Preferences dialog box. If auto indent is On, then after you press Enter key a cursor will be positioned on a new line and below the first word of the previous line. This allows you to continue block indentation without having to insert spaces on each new line. " See also Miscellaneous Commands. Find Matching Bracket This command finds a corresponding (matching) bracket if a cursor is positioned on one of the following brackets: ()[]. " See also Miscellaneous Commands. Force Page Break This command inserts a page-break character ( ) at a cursor position which will cause a printer to skip to the beginnig of a next page. " See also Miscellaneous Commands. Reformat Paragraph (Alt-R) A Paragraph means a portion of text (typically several lines) delimited by empty lines. Reformat Paragraph function works only for the current paragraph (on which the cursor is positioned). It tries to accommodate as many words as possible on every line. If a line is too long it is wraped. If Jusification is on (see : Preferences dialog box) each line of the paragraph except for the last one will be justified (spaces will be inserted so that the line is aligned to both left and right margins). Justification does not work for paragraphs consisting of just one line. Also see : Reformat File KeyCmds Center Line (Alt-V) This command centers the line by removing and inserting spaces in front of it. The line is centered relative to the right margin which can be either the window's right edge or the right margin setting (see Preferences dialog box). KeyCmds Set Marker (Ctrl-K 0) This command sets the marker #0 at the current cursor position. Later you can quickly find this marker by using KeyCmds|GoTo Marker menu command. E You can set up to 10 markers by using hot-key commands Ctrl-K 0..9. KeyCmds GoTo Marker (Ctrl-Q 0) This command finds the marker #0 which has been set by using KeyCmds|Set Marker menu command. C You can find markers #0..9 by using hot-key commands Ctrl-Q 0..9. Search Find Displays a Find dialog box which lets you enter a string of characters that you want to search for. Search Replace Displays a Replace dialog box which allows you to enter both search and replace strings of characters. Search GoToLine Displays a GoToLine dialog box. L It allows you to enter the line number to which you want to jump directly. Search Search again (Ctrl-L) Repeats the last search/replace from the current cursor position. Windows Size/move (Ctrl-F5) Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. Q If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window. Move When you choose Windows Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. F You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse. Windows Zoom (F5) Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. { You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. Windows Tile Choose Windows Tile to tile all windows on the desktop. L Tiled Windows Windows Cascade Choose Windows Cascade to stack all windows on the desktop. A Cascaded Windows Windows Next (F6) Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop. Windows Previous (Shift-F6) Choose Windows Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop. Windows Close All Choose Windows Close All to close all Edit Windows. Windows Synchro (Ctrl-F6) After you select this command from the menu or press Ctrl-F6 2 top windows become synchronized. They are resized and moved so that one window occupies the top half and the other the bottom half of the Desktop. From now on every key you press is sent to both windows. They scroll together and react to editing operations (e.g. inserting or deleting characters) in the same way. Even search works for both windows. q Synchronization of the windows is broken after selecting Synchro command (or pressing Ctrl-F6) the second time. Windows List of Files Displays a File List dialog box allowing to select an open file from the list of all open files. Windows Switch Screen This command switches between the normal- and full-screen mode. In the full-screen mode the Menu Bar and the Status Line are hidden and the Desktop covers the whole screen. Window Show/Hide Ruler This command shows/hides the ruler at the top of the screen, just below the menu bar. You can click on the ruler with a mouse to position the cursor in the edit window on the selected column. Tabs are marked on the ruler with " " and the right margin is marked with " " character. You can double click on the ruler to change the right margin setting. Window Show/Hide Tool Bar This command shows/hides the tool bar at the top of the screen, just below the menu bar. You can click on the tool bar with a mouse to generate command. Icons represent commands: i replace words print block/file search again line/block mode switch find word reformat paragraf system close file close tool bar clock 12:25:04 open file save file spelling checker help on the tool bar Options Mouse... The Mouse command brings up the Mouse Options dialog box, where you can set various options that control how your mouse works, including: R how fast a double-click is which mouse button (right or left) is active Options Colors... The Colors item brings up the Colors dialog box, where you can customize the colors of the display. Options Preferences... The Preferences item brings up the Preferences dialog box, where you can set Auto Save options as well as the Screen Size (if you have EGA/VGA graphics adapter you can change the display mode from 25 to 43/50 lines). A In this dialog box you can also change various Editor settings. / For more details see: Preferences dialog box. Options Directories... This command displays Directories dialog box where you can specify a directory for the Desktop file. Options Screen Blanker... The Screen Blanker item brings up the Screen Blanker dialog box, where you can set some screen blanker options. 2 For more details see: Screen Blanker dialog box. Options Save Desktop Saves the state of all open windows to a file called VED.DSK. This file can be reloaded by selecting Options Restore Desktop. > Also the following History Lists are stored in VED.DSK file: & - file names Open or Printed during the previous session; ' - keywords used in Search and Search & Replace; ( - programs run using File|Run Program together with parameters. Options Restore Desktop Restores a previously-saved state of all open windows from a file called VED.DSK. This file is saved via the Options Desktop menu command. @ Also the following History Lists are loaded from VED.DSK file: & - file names Open or Printed during the previous session; ' - keywords used in Search and Search & Replace; ( - programs run using File|Run Program together with parameters. Options Clear Desktop Clears desktop by closing all open windows and dialog boxes. Options Load Options This command loads from VED.OPT file (if the file exists): - Colors Palette; - Mouse Options; - Edit Preferences; - a list of Macros; - Search Options; - a list of programs installed using File|Run Program command; * - a list of recently closed files (up to 5 files) displayed at the bottom of the File menu. > The VED.OPT file is created by Options Options command. = You can modify Colors Palette using Options Colors command. < You can modify Mouse Settings using Options Mouse command. D You can modify Edit Preferences using Options Preferences command. Options Save Options This command saves to VED.OPT file: - Colors Palette; - Mouse Options; - Edit Preferences; - a list of Macros; - Search Options; - a list of programs installed using File|Run Program command; + - a list of recently closed files (up to 5 files) displayed at the bottom of the File menu. If the file VED.OPT exists it will be overwritten. The options from the VED.OPT file are loaded using Options Options command. = You can modify Colors Palette using Options Colors command. A You can modify Mouse Settings using Options Mouse menu command. D You can modify Edit Preferences using Options Preferences command. Print Print Options This command displays a Print Options dialog box which allows setting the following parameters: - DOS LPT # : LPT1,...,LPT4 - Eject a page Before printing (Yes/No) - Eject a page After printing (Yes/No) - Use Headers/Footers - Stop After Every Page - Left Margin - Page Length - Top Margin - Bottom Margin - Printer Initialization String Print Print File This command displays a Select Print dialog box which allows you to select a file that you want to print. w The file must exist on your disk, so if you are editing a new file you have to save it before you can start printing. After you select a file to print, the file is appended to the Print Queue and printing starts if the Print Queue was empty. If the Print Queue was not empty the file is appended to the end of the queue. X You can display the Print Queue by using the menu command Print|Display Print Manager. You can cancel printing at any time by pressing F9 function key or by clicking with the mouse on Stop Print label on the status line. o Since printing is done in "background" you can continue using other functions of Vision Edit during printing. Also see: Print Manager. Print Header Displays a Header/Footer dialog box allowing you to create a header. See also: Print|Footer Print Footer Displays a Header/Footer dialog box allowing you to create a footer. See also: Print|Header Print Display Print Manager This command displays a Print Manager window if it has not been already open. You can close it at any time using menu command Print Close Print Manager. Print Close Print Manager This command closes a Print Manager window if it has been open. You can reopen it later (during printing) using menu command Print Print Manager. Print Stop Print Stops printing (the printer will still be printing for a while until its internal buffer is empty). You can resume printing by clicking on the Resume Printing button in the Print Manager. Macro|Start Macro This command displays a Create Macro File dialog box which is similar to Open Dialog Box. You have to enter a name of the macro file in which macro operations will be stored. The default macro file extension is MAC. After you select the macro file name a Macro Description dialog box is displayed. You can enter a one-line description of a macro here. After you close a Macro Description dialog box a flashing message 'Macro Recording' is displayed on the status line. From now on all keys that you press, most edit operations including search and replace are recorded in the macro file. H To stop macro recording select End Macro function from the Macro menu. The macro that you have just created will be added to the list of available macros in the Macro menu. You can execute a macro by selecting it from the Macro menu or by pressing a hot key assigned to that macro. Also see: End Macro, y Load Macro, Execute Macro, Suspend Macro, Continue Macro, Repeat Macro Macro|End Macro This command completes macro recording started with Start Macro command. It closes a macro file and from now on you can execute that macro. Also see: Start Macro, y Load Macro, Execute Macro, Suspend Macro, Continue Macro, Repeat Macro Macro|Load Macro This command allows you to select a macro file which has been created previously. An Open Macro dialog box is displayed allowing you to select a macro file. The selected macro is added to the list of macros in the Macro menu and becomes available for execution. Also see: Start Macro, x End Macro, Execute Macro, Suspend Macro, Continue Macro, Repeat Macro Macro|Execute Macro All macros available for execution are displayed in the Macro menu under the dividing line. There can be up to 7 macros available at once. You can execute a macro by either selecting its name from the Macro menu or by pressing a hot-key assigned to this macro. All hot-key assignments are automatic. The first macro is assigned Alt-F4, the second Alt-F5, and so on up to Alt-F10. If you already have 7 macros in the Macro menu adding a new macro will remove the first macro from the list of macros available. Also see: Start Macro, u End Macro, Load Macro, Suspend Macro, Continue Macro, Repeat Macro Macro|Suspend Macro This command suspends recording a macro so that you can do some operations which you do not want recorded in the macro file. You can resume recording the macro by selecting Continue Macro command. Also see: Start Macro, u End Macro, Load Macro, Execute Macro, Continue Macro, Repeat Macro Macro|Continue Macro This command allows you to continue recording a macro which has been suspended with Suspend Macro command. Also see: Start Macro, t End Macro, Load Macro, Execute Macro, Suspend Macro, Repeat Macro Macro|Repeat Macro Displays a Repeat Macro dialog box which allows you to specify how many times the macro should be repeated. Also see: Start Macro, v End Macro, Load Macro, Execute Macro, Continue Macro, Suspend Macro Config Mode & Direction The Mode & Direction item brings up the Set-Options dialog box, where you can set: -Edit Direction (sets the direction of editing) ) -Table (which Ascii-Table will be used) 8 -Push Mode (allows two different direction of editing) Also see: Define Table, v Load Table, Set Options, Define Translation Table, Set Options Dialog Config Define New Table The Define New Table item brings up the Define Translation Table dialog box where you can define a Converted Ascii Table. Also see: Load Table, T Mode Direction, Set Options, Set Options Dialog Config Load New Table This command allows you to select a table file which has been created previously. An Open Table dialog box is displayed allowing you to select a table file. Codes from this file are loaded to Converted Ascii Table and they can be used when proper settings are defined in Mode Direction. Also see: Define Table, \ Set Options, Define Translation Table, Set Options Dialog Config Commands Mode This command displays a Commands Mode dialog box which allows you to switch between the standard Vision Edit commands and user-defined commands. Also see: 1 Config|Define Commands, Config|Load Commands Config Define Commands This command displays a Define Commands dialog box which allows you to redefine the standard Vision Edit hot keys which correspond to commands. Also see: / Config|Commands Mode, Config|Load Commands Config Load Commands This command displays a Load Commands dialog box which allows you to load a previously defined hot keys from a file. Also see: 1 Config|Commands Mode, Config|Define Commands Help|Help on Help Help Window can be displayed from any point of the program by pressing F1 function key, by selecting Help from the pull-down menu, or by pressing right mouse button. Help system is context sensitive so information displayed in the help window depends on the current context e.g. if you are editing a text file in the edit window pressing F1 will result in displaying help information related to the text editor. By double-clicking with a mouse on highlighted words in a help window you can quickly access information regarding those words (cross reference). = To close a help window press Esc or click on the close box. Help Previous Displays the previous help topic. A history of help topics is maintained by Vision Edit throughout the whole session (from startup to exit). Help Help Index (Ctrl-F1) Help Index command displays a list of topics which are explained by the Help system. G You can get to the topic explanation by double-clicking on the topic. Cursor Movement Commands Character left Ctrl-S or Left arrow Character right Ctrl-D or Right arrow Word left Ctrl-A or Ctrl-Left arrow Word right Ctrl-F or Ctrl-Right arrow Line up Ctrl-E or Up arrow Line down Ctrl-X or Down arrow Page up Ctrl-R or PgUp Page down Ctrl-C or PgDn Beginning Ctrl-PgUp text Ctrl-PgDn screen Ctrl-Home Bottom screen Ctrl-End Middle screen Ctrl-Q M Insert & Delete Commands Insert on/off Ctrl-V or Ins Delete line Ctrl-Y Delete line Ctrl-Q Y Delete start Ctrl-Q H Delete character left Ctrl-H or Backspace Delete character Ctrl-G or Del Delete right Ctrl-T Delete Ctrl-Backspace Duplicate line Ctrl-K D Block Commands Mark block begin Ctrl-K B or Shift-arrow Delete block Ctrl-Del Hide block Ctrl-K H Paste Clipboard Ctrl-K C or Shift-Ins Clipboard Ctrl-K Y or Shift-Del Copy Clipboard Ctrl-K K or Ctrl-Ins Block Indent Ctrl-K I Block Unindent Ctrl-K U Indent Default Ctrl-K Space Upper Lower case Ctrl-K L Lower Upper case Ctrl-K O Flip case Ctrl-K F Print Block/File Ctrl-K P Line/Column Mode Alt-B Dragging On/Off Alt-D Sort Lines Ctrl-K S Miscellaneous Commands Menu bar Save edit Open file Close active window Alt-F3 Tab Ctrl-I or Tab Auto-Indent On/Off Ctrl-O Find Ctrl-Q F Find replace Ctrl-Q A Repeat find Ctrl-L Marker Ctrl-K 0..9 Find Marker Ctrl-Q 0..9 line Ctrl-Q G Find Matching Bracket Ctrl-Q [ or Ctrl-Q ] Force Break Ctrl-P Reformat Paragraph Alt-R Reformat File Ctrl-Q R Center Line Alt-V Undo operation Ctrl-U Abort operation Pressing F1 function key or clicking on the mouse right button opens a Help Windows and displays help information regarding the active user interface element. In this case you pressed F1 key when Help|Help menu item was an active element of the user interface. Also see : Help Help Insert Time Inserts a current system time into the active edit window. The time has the following format: HH-MM. Also see: Insert Date Insert Date Allows inserting either a System Date or a File Creation Date into the active edit window. This command displays a Date Formats dialog box which allows selecting a date format. Also see: Insert Time Reformat File This command reformats the whole file applying Reformat Paragraph function to every paragraph in the file. You can Stop reformatting by pressing key. Also see : Reformat Paragraph Sort Lines This command allows sorting lines of a selected block or a file (open in the active Edit Window) in Ascending or Descending order. After selecting this command the Sort Lines dialog box will be open. It enables selecting options for the sort. If the whole file is sorted (no block selection) then the original file is renamed to the same name but with BAK extension. When a block is selected and Vision Edit is in Block Mode then the lines are compared starting from the first column of the block but the entire lines are moved. Delete Macro Displays the Delete Macro dialog box where you can delete Macros from the List of Macros displayed in the Macro Menu. Search GoToPage Displays a GoToPage dialog box. It allows you to enter the page number to which you want to jump directly. The cursor will be positioned at the top of the page. Edit Macro Displays the Macro Editor dialog box where you can edit Macros from a selected Macro File. You can view, delete, insert, and modify macro commands. Opens a selected file in a new Edit Window. The list of the 5 most recently closed files is displayed. This list is stored in the options file. Also see: File Open, / Save Desktop, Load Desktop Search File Search Displays a Search File(s) dialog box which lets you enter a wildcard of files that you want to search for. Search Text Search Displays a Search File(s) Text dialog box which lets you enter a string of characters that you want to search for and wildcard which defines file(s) in which search will take place. File Manager File Manager menu item opens the File Manager dialog box. The current directory is selected in the Directory Panel Viewer and files for this directory are displayed in the File Panel Viewer. Delete Word Left This command deletes a previous word (to the left from a cursor position). If the cursor is positioned on a word (but not on the first character) that word will be deleted. $ See also Insert Delete Commands. Change Screen Mode This command displays the Screen Selection dialog box which allows you to select other screen modes (e.g. 132 columns) if you have a VGA card that supports other screen modes. Before you can start using this function you have to install your graphics card (see: VGA Installation). Vision Edit has the following editing commands: ================================================ Cursor Movement Commands Character left Ctrl-S or Left arrow Character right Ctrl-D or Right arrow Word left Ctrl-A or Ctrl-Left arrow Word right Ctrl-F or Ctrl-Right arrow Line up Ctrl-E or Up arrow Line down Ctrl-X or Down arrow Page up Ctrl-R or PgUp Page down Ctrl-C or PgDn Beginning Ctrl-PgUp text Ctrl-PgDn screen Ctrl-Home Bottom screen Ctrl-End Middle screen Ctrl-Q M Insert & Delete Commands Insert on/off Ctrl-V or Ins Delete line Ctrl-Y Delete line Ctrl-Q Y Delete start Ctrl-Q H Delete character left Ctrl-H or Backspace Delete character Ctrl-G or Del Delete right Ctrl-T Delete Ctrl-Backspace Duplicate line Ctrl-K D Block Commands Mark block begin Ctrl-K B or Shift-arrow Delete block Ctrl-Del Hide block Ctrl-K H Paste Clipboard Ctrl-K C or Shift-Ins Clipboard Ctrl-K Y or Shift-Del Copy Clipboard Ctrl-K K or Ctrl-Ins Block Indent Ctrl-K I Block Unindent Ctrl-K U Indent Default Ctrl-K Space Upper Lower case Ctrl-K L Lower Upper case Ctrl-K O Flip case Ctrl-K F Print Block/File Ctrl-K P Line/Column Mode Alt-B Dragging On/Off Alt-D Sort Lines Ctrl-K S Miscellaneous Commands Menu bar Save edit Open file Close active window Alt-F3 Tab Ctrl-I or Tab Auto-Indent On/Off Ctrl-O Find Ctrl-Q F Find replace Ctrl-Q A Repeat find Ctrl-L Marker Ctrl-K 0..9 Find Marker Ctrl-Q 0..9 line Ctrl-Q G Find Matching Bracket Ctrl-Q [ or Ctrl-Q ] Force Break Ctrl-P Reformat Paragraph Alt-R Reformat File Ctrl-Q R Center Line Alt-V Undo operation Ctrl-U Abort operation Open a File Dialog Box The 'Open a File' dialog box contains: - the Name input box; - the Files list; - a list of Disk Drives; - a file information panel; - the standard button Cancel; - the Open button); - the Select action button; - a history list that's attached to the Name input To open a file you have to type in the file name into the Name input line or select the file from the Files list (using mouse or keyboard) and then click on the Open button. You can also change the disk drive by double-clicking on the Drives list. At the end of the Files list you can find directories. If you select a directory and click on the Open button a list of files from the selected directory will be displayed. You can open several files at once by marking them clicking on the Select button, double-clicking on the file name, or pressing the Space key. See also : Dialog Box. Change Directory dialog box The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ TP TVISION The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. See also : Dialog Box. Find Dialog Box The Find dialog box contains an input box with a history list, a group of check boxes, and the standard OK, and Cancel buttons. Text to Find Enter the search string in the Text to Find input box and choose OK to begin the search, or choose Cancel to forget it. You can also enter ASCII codes directly from the keyboard - hold down Alt key, enter ASCII code from the numeric keypad and release Alt key. Using this method you can enter characters with ASCII codes between 32 and 255. In order to enter special characters (with ASCII codes < 32) first press Ctrl-K and then a combination of keys corresponding to that character, e.g.: - Ctrl-K Ctrl-A gives character #1 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-B gives character #2 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-C gives character #3 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-M gives character #13 (CR) Press the Down arrow key if you want to show the history list associated with the input box. You can select a string from the history list by positioning the cursor on it and pressing or by clicking on the item with a mouse. r Options [X] Case sensitive [X] Whole words only This group of check boxes governs the kind of strings that the editor searches for. q Search [X] From Cursor [X] From Start of Text This group of check boxes determines whether the Search starts from the current cursor position or from the beginning of the file. O Regular Expressions [X] On/Off When Regular Expressions is checked on Vision Edit recognizes GREP-like wildcards in the search string. See also : Dialog Box. Replace Dialog Box The Replace dialog box contains three input boxes with associated history lists, a group of check boxes, and the standard OK, and Cancel buttons. Z Most components of the Replace dialog box are identical to those in the Find dialog box. Text to Find Enter the search string in the Text to Find input box and choose OK to begin the search, or choose Cancel to forget it. You can also enter ASCII codes directly from the keyboard - hold down Alt key, enter ASCII code from the numeric keypad and release Alt key. Using this method you can enter characters with ASCII codes between 32 and 255. In order to enter special characters (with ASCII codes < 32) first press Ctrl-K and then a combination of keys corresponding to that character, e.g.: - Ctrl-K Ctrl-A gives character #1 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-B gives character #2 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-C gives character #3 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-M gives character #13 (CR) Press the Down arrow key if you want to show the history list associated with the input box. You can select a string from the history list by positioning the cursor on it and pressing or by clicking on the item with a mouse. New Text Enter the replacement string in the New Text input box. You can also enter ASCII codes directly from the keyboard - hold down Alt key, enter ASCII code from the numeric keypad and release Alt key. Using this method you can enter characters with ASCII codes between 32 and 255. In order to enter special characters (with ASCII codes < 32) first press Ctrl-K and then a combination of keys corresponding to that character, e.g.: - Ctrl-K Ctrl-A gives character #1 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-B gives character #2 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-C gives character #3 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-M gives character #13 (CR) You can also use the history list to the right of the box to select a string you've used previously. Options [X] Case sensitive [X] Whole words only [X] Prompt on Replace [X] Replace all This group of check boxes governs the kind of strings that the editor searches for, and whether the replacement is automatic. Check Replace All if you want the editor to replace all occurrences of the search string found. q Search [X] From Cursor [X] From Start of Text This group of check boxes determines whether the Search/Replace starts from the current cursor position or from the beginning of the file. O Regular Expressions [X] On/Off When Regular Expressions is checked on Vision Edit recognizes GREP-like wildcards in the search string. See also : Dialog Box. GoToLine dialog box The GoToLine dialog box contains one input box with associated history list, and the standard OK, and Cancel buttons. d Enter line number 123 On the input line you can enter the line number to which you want to jump directly. Go To Page dialog box The Go To Page dialog box contains one input box with associated history list, and the standard OK, and Cancel buttons. d Enter page number 123 On the input line you can enter the page number to which you want to jump directly. The cursor will be positioned at the top of the page. Help on the Mouse Options dialog box This dialog box consists of one check box, one slider bar, and the standard buttons OK and Cancel. Mouse Double Click Slow Medium Fast The Mouse Double Click slider bar adjusts the double-click speed of your mouse. ^ [X] Reverse Mouse Buttons Reverse Mouse Buttons makes the right mouse button take on the normal functions of the left--and vice versa. B See also: Options Mouse... command Dialog Help on the Colors dialog box The Colors dialog box consists of two list boxes, a text display area, the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, and one of the following: On color and black-and-white systems, it also contains two color palettes. On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons instead of the palettes. This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts of this program. Group Desktop Menus Dialogs/Calc Edit Window Calendar Ascii table The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can customize. L Item Color When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box displays the names of the different views in that region. Foreground Background On color and black-and-white systems, you use the Foreground and Background palettes to modify colors. Colors ) Mono low ( ) Mono high ( ) Mono underscore ( ) Mono inverse On monochrome systems, you use the Colors set of radio buttons systems to modify the character attributes. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the current color or attribute settings. Changes do not take effect on the desktop until you close the Colors dialog box by choosing OK. By selecting from the menu Options|Save Options the current colors palette is saved into the options file (VED.OPT) and will be loaded automatically the next time you start Vision Edit. U You can also Save Colors Palette to a separate file by clicking on the Save button. g You can Load Colors Palette that have been previously saved in a file by clicking on the Load button. See also : Dialog Box. Save Colors Palette As dialog box This is a standard dialog for saving files. You have to type in a file name on the input line and then click on the OK button. This will save the current colors palette (from the Colors dialog box) to the file. If a file with the selected name exists it will be overwritten. # Also see: Save dialog Load Colors Palette dialog box This is a standard dialog for opening files. You have to type in a file name on the input line or select it from a list of files and then click on the OK button. This will load a colors palette from the file (previously created by saving colors file). The current colors palette in the Colors dialog box is replaced by the colors palette loaded from the file. Also see: Open dialog Select File to Print Dialog Box The 'Select File to Print' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. i If you click on Open button the selected file will be appended to the Print Queue (see: Print Manager). See also : Dialog Box. Print Options Dialog Box This dialog box which allows setting various print parameters. It contains : - 1 set of radio buttons (DOS LPT port selection) : f LPT # ) LPT1 ( ) LPT2 ( ) LPT3 ( ) LPT4 - 1 set of Eject check boxes : c - Eject a page Before printing (Yes if checked) - Eject a page After printing (Yes if checked) - 1 set of Other Options check boxes ? - Use Headers/Footers (if checked headers and footers will be printed if specified with Print|Header and Print|Footer menu commands); - Stop After Every Page (if checked printing will stop after every page - in order to continue you have to click on Resume Printing button in Print Manager; - 5 input lines : - Left Margin (in characters) - Page Length (in lines): the standard page length on a letter-size paper is 66 but some printers (e.g. DeskJet 500) have a 2-line-long unprintable area; for this reason the default page length is 64 lines; - Top Margin (in lines) - Bottom Margin (in lines) - Printer Initialization String (sent to a printer before printing a file): unprintable ASCII characters can be entered as where N is an ASCII decimal code e.g. <27> means "Escape" - 1 value box (unselectable): ; - Text Length = Page Length - Top Margin - Bottom Margin Preferences dialog box This dialog box allows you to set the Auto Save and Editor options, TAB settings, as well as the screen mode. It contains: - 3 Auto Save check boxes : j Auto Save [X] Desktop [X] Options [X] Backup If a Desktop box is checked Vision Edit saves Desktop in VED.DSK file. If VED.DSK file exists Desktop will be restored automatically on the startup. If a Options box is checked Vision Edit saves Options in VED.OPT file. If VED.OPT file exists Options will be restored automatically on the startup. Options include all settings of this dialog box. If Backup box is checked Vision Edit will always save the last version of the edited file giving it the same name with BAK extension. # (also see : Options|Save Options) - 4 Edit Options check boxes : Edit Options [X] Auto Indent [X] Auto Wrap [X] Justification [X] Show Page Breaks If Auto Indent is checked, after you press Enter key the cursor will be positioned on a new line and below the first word of the previous line. If Auto Wrap is checked, the cursor will move automatically to the next line after you reach the right margin (last word will be moved to the new line). If, at the same time, Auto Indent is checked the cursor will be positioned below the first word of the previous line. If justification is checked text will be justified (aligned to both left and right margin). Justification is applied in two cases: ^ - if Auto Wrap is on and a word is moved to the next line (after reaching the right margin); X - if you Reformat Paragraph all lines but the last one of the paragraph are justified. L If Show Page Breaks is checked the last line on each page is shown in a different color (default: yellow text on red background). Page Breaks are calculated according to the Number of Lines per Page setting in Print Options dialog box. You can change the color in which page breaks are displayed using Options|Colors command. ( - 1 set of Screen Size radio buttons : e Screen Size ) 25 lines ( ) 43/50 lines If you have a EGA/VGA graphics adapter you can display 43/50 lines on the screen (if you have a VGA card which supports other text modes e.g. 132 columns see: Options|Change Screen Mode); - 1 input line : K Right Margin: 78 It allows you to select the Right Margin Setting. ) - 1 set of Right Margin radio buttons : Right Margin: ) Use window's size ( ) Use margin setting If you select "Use window's size" then a window's right edge will be assumed to be a right margin for Reformat Paragraph and Auto Wrap functions. If you select "Use margin setting" then a Right Margin set on the above input box will be used as a right margin for Reformat Paragraph and Auto Wrap functions. ( - 1 set of Screen Size radio buttons : TABs ) Use Spaces - smart TABs ( ) Use TAB characters If you select Use Spaces, whenever you press TAB key the appropriate number of spaces will be inserted. This option is useful for programmers since the cursor will move to the position under the next word of the previous line. If you select Use TABs, TAB character will be used (ASCII code #9) when you press a TAB key. - 1 input line : C TAB width 8 It allows you to select the width of TABs. F - 1 set of Indent Mode radio buttons and Indent Str/Char input line: Indent Mode Indent Str/Char ) ASCII code ( ) String 32 If you select ASCII code then the following Indent Str/Char input line has a meaning of an ASCII code of a character. This character will be inserted in front of all selected lines when you use Block Indent function (Ctrl-K I). The default is the Space character (ASCII code #32). If you select String then the following Indent Str/Char input line has a meaning of a string of characters. This string will be inserted in front of all selected lines when you use Block Indent function (Ctrl-K I). The Default button below restores the default Indent Mode to ASCII code and the Indent Str/Char to #32 (space). When you are editing text you can return to the default mode by pressing Ctrl-K followed by the space. ) - 1 set of Char radio buttons : ~ Char ) CR + LF ( ) CR ( ) LF If you select CR+LF (default) every time you press the key a sequence of CR (ASCII code #13) and LF (ASCII code #10) characters is inserted into a text (standard for most applications). w If you select CR every time you press the key only the CR (ASCII code #13) character is inserted into a text. If you select LF every time you press the key only the CR (ASCII code #10) character is inserted into a text (this convention is used on Unix systems). J These options work only if the below Mode is set to Insert Line. ) - 1 set of Mode radio buttons : e Mode ) Insert Line ( ) Next Line If you select the Insert Line mode (default) every time you press the key a new line is inserted into a text (CR+LF, LF or CR characters are inserted depending on the above Char setting). When you select the Next Line mode no new lines are inserted after you press the key. Instead a cursor moves to the beginning of a next line (or if Auto Indent is set a cursor is positioned below the first non-blank character). / - 1 set of Mode radio buttons : } Mode ) Append Spaces ( ) Go to Next Line This set of radio buttons determines the behaviour of the Right Arrow key when the cursor is positioned at the end of a line. If Append Spaces is selected a space is appended to the end of a line each time the Right Arrow key is pressed (when the cursor is at the end of a line). If Go to Next Line is selected, pressing the Right Arrow key (when the cursor is at the end of a line) will move the cursor to the beginning of a next line. Also, if Go to Next Line is selected, pressing the Left Arrow key (when the cursor is at the beginning of a line) will move the cursor to the end of a previous line. + - 1 set of Mode radio buttons : } (for blocks) ) Delete Block ( ) Delete Character This set of radio buttons determines the behaviour of the Del key when a block is selected. If Delete Block is set then pressing the Del key will result in deleting a selected block. If Delete Character is set then pressing the Del key will result in deleting a character (you can still delete a selected block using Ctrl-Del). + - 1 set of Mode radio buttons : ) Delete Spaces ( ) Do not Delete Spaces This set of radio buttons determines if pressing the End key will result (in addition to moving the cursor to the end of a line) in removing all spaces at the end of a line (after the last non-blank character). Save Block As dialog box The 'Save Block as' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, two standard Cancel and OK) buttons, plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. P You can enter the file name on the input line or select it from the file list. See also : Dialog Box. Create Macro dialog box The 'Create Macro' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, two standard Cancel and OK) buttons, plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. You can enter the file name on the input line or select it from the file list. If you enter an existing file name that file will be overwritten. After 'Create Macro' dialog box is closed Macro Recording begins. See also : Dialog Box, Start Macro, End Macro, Load Macro, Execute Macro, Suspend Macro, Continue Macro Open Macro dialog box The 'Open Macro' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, two standard Cancel and OK) buttons, plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. h It also displays at the bottom a macro description which can be entered when a macro is being created. You can enter the file name on the input line or select it from the file list. If the file with the name you have entered does not exist 'Open Macro' dialog box will be closed and no action will be taken. If the file exists it will be opened as a macro file. See also : Dialog Box, Start Macro, End Macro, Load Macro, Execute Macro, Suspend Macro, Continue Macro Repeat Macro dialog box You can specify here how many times the selected macro will be repeated. The default value is 1. Macro Description dialog box You can enter here a short description of the functions performed by a newly created macro. This description will later be displayed on the bottom line of the Open Macro dialog box. The description can be up to 128 characters long. Set Options Dialog Box This dialog box allows you to set the Direction of editing, the Ascii Table (which codes will correspond to which keys) and also the Push Mode. It contains: ! -Edit Direction radio buttons : i Edit Direction ) left->right ( ) right->left When left->right is marked then cursor moves from left to right. When right->left is marked then cursor moves from right to left Second setting usable for languages like Hebrew or Arabic. -Table radio buttons : Table (Switch Ctrl-Q-T) ) Ascii Regular ( ) Ascii Converted When Ascii Regular is marked then editor uses standard Ascii codes. When Ascii Converted is marked then editor uses alternative table which has been defined previously. Before you want to use Ascii Converted option you have to define Ascii Converted table using Define Translation Table dialog box or you can load Converted Table from any *.TAB file by invoking Config|Load Table item from menu. -Push Mode radio buttons : U Push Mode ( ) Enable ) Disable This option enables mixing the directions of editing. + Some Possible settings: (1) - left->right - Ascii Regular Push Disable : You can edit files in a standard way. (2) - left->right . Ascii Converted Push Disable : You can edit files in a standard way but VED uses alternative table. You can switch between (1) and (2) modes by pressin Ctrl-Q-T hot keys. (3) - left->right , Ascii Converted Push Enable : You can push characters (from alternative table) to the right. You can switch between (3) and (1) modes by pressin Ctrl-Q-T hot keys. (4) - right->left , Ascii Converted Push Enable : Editing starts from right side and cursor moves from rigth to left (for languages like Hebrew, Arabic). (5) - right->left * Ascii Regular Push Enable : You can push characters to the left. You can switch between (4) and (5) modes by pressin Ctrl-Q-T hot keys. (6) - right->left - Ascii Converted Push Disable : Editing starts from right side and cursor moves from rigth to left (for languages like Hebrew, Arabic). Also see: Load Table, ? Define Translation Table, Mode Direction Define Translation Table This dialog box allows you to create The Ascii Converted Table. There are the Standard Ascii Chart from which you can send codes to input boxes, columns of input boxes for entering new characters or symbols, Send button (for sending the chosen symbol from the Ascii Chart to the active input box), and the standard buttons ( Cancel, OK, Help ). " One way of creating a new table: 6 (1) - activate an input box ( you can use a Mouse ); x (2) - choose a symbol from the Ascii Chart ( only if you have a mouse ) which you want to put in the active input box; q (3) - press the button SEND, the previous symbol is replaced by a new one, and the next input box is activated. Now you can repeat action from the point (2) if you want to change the symbol of the following input box or you can start from the point (1). & Second way of creating a new table : l (1) - activate an input box (use TAB key for forward direction and Shift-TAB keys for backward direction); [ (2) - use - sequencies for entering symbols. Repeat action from (1). L When you define the whole Converted Table press button OK. This command displays Create Table File dialog box. You have to enter a name of the table file in which the table will be stored. The default table file extension is TAB. This table is active and can be used by VED. Next time this table can be loaded from the table file. Also see: Load Table, S Mode Direction, Set Options Set Options Dialog Create Table dialog box The 'Create Table' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, two standard Cancel and OK) buttons, plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. You can enter the file name on the input line or select it from the file list. If you enter an existing file name that file will be overwritten. Open Table dialog box The 'Open Translation Table' dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, two standard Cancel and OK) buttons, plus a history list that's attached to the Name input box. You can enter the file name on the input line or select it from the file list. If the file with the name you have entered does not exist 'Open Translation Table' dialog box will be closed and no action will be taken. If the file exists it will be opened as a table file. Header/Footer dialog box Header/Footer dialog box allows to easily create headers and footers. After you create a header or footer do not forget to check the Use Headers/Footers check box in a Print Options dialog box if you want the header and/or footer to be printed. The easiest way to create a header/footer is to press a Default button what will create a standard header/footer containing: Page Number, File Name, System Date, and File Creation Date. If you do not like the standard layout you can edit the Header/Footer Window. Text entered from the keyboard will be printed exactly as it looks on the screen. In addition to plain text you can include in your headers/footers the following: Page Numbers, File Name, System Date and File Creation Date by pressing the appropriate buttons. You can quickly clear the Header/Footer Window by pressing Blank button. You can move a selected word (a word which includes the cursor) by pressing Left, Center, and Right buttons. You can move in the same way more than 1 word by highlighting text with a mouse. U You can Write a newly created header and footer to a file by pressing Write button. Z You can Read a previously created header and footer from a file by pressing Read button. T All buttons can be selected either with a mouse or with a Alt-Hot Key combination. Run Program dialog box This dialog box contains: 1) 2 input lines: - Program Name: you have to specify here a full name of a program or DOS external command that you want to execute including the path and extension; k - Parameters: here you can specify parameters that will be passed to the program or DOS external command; 2) "Save files" check box: - it is strongly recommended that you leave this option on (all modified files will be saved automatically before calling external program); " 3) Installed Programs list box: - it contains a list of programs installed in Vision Edit and saved in the options file (VED.OPT); you can select a program from the list by clicking on the program name with a mouse; 4) Add button: - in order to add a program to the list of installed programs enter the program name (including full path) on the Program Name input line and click on the Add button; 5) Remove button: - by clicking on this button you can remove a selected program from the list of Installed Programs; 6) Run button: - closes the dialog box and runs the program from the Program Name input line passing to it parameters from the Parameters input line; Examples: - Program Name: c:\drdos\xdel.exe, Parameters: *.bak. C - Program Name: c:\tp\tpc.exe, Parameters: c:\tp\test\myprog.pas. A The dialog box also contains standard Cancel, and Help buttons. Run Spelling Checker dialog box This dialog box contains 2 input lines: - Programm Name: you have to specify here a full name of a Spelling Checker program m - File Name: here you can enter a name of a file to be checked (default name - file name of the top window) - "Save files" check box - it is strongly recommended that you leave this option on (all modified files will be saved automatically before calling external program); Examples: 9 - Program Name: c:\ved\ss.exe - File Name: myfile.txt. The dialog box also contains standard GO, Cancel, and Help buttons. File List dialog box Displays names of all open files. In order to select a file highlight the appropriate file name using Up/Down arrow keys or a mouse and press OK button. = The selected file will be brought to the to of the desktop. Commands Mode dialog box This dialog box contains one set of radio buttons which allows switching between Vision Edit commands and user-defined commands. Also see: 1 Config|Define Commands, Config|Load Commands Define Commands dialog box The dialog box contains: 1) ListBox - displays all commands of VED for which hot keys can be redefined (you can use Mouse,or arrows, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End keys in order to move highlighted bar among commands); d 2) Two Input Lines - in those lines the current shortcuts are displayed for a highlighted command. 3) Buttons - 'Modify-1' button: when pressed, you can modify first shortcut (you can press key '1' and the same command will be generated); s 'Modify-2' button: when pressed, you can modify second shortcut (you can press key '2' to generate this command); Q 'Clear-1','Clear-2' buttons: to delete current hot key for highlighted command; < 'Clear-All' button: deletes hot keys for all VED commands; 'OK' button: when you finish modification and you press this button you can save your hot keys in a file (default extension .CMD); Z Cancel button: when pressed changes will not be saved and the dialog box will be closed. j 4) Below horizontal line there are buttons (arranged like a keyboard) which allow you to define your hot keys. At the beginnig they are deactivated. When you press 'Modify-1' or 'Modify-2' button some of those buttons are activated. Activated buttons show the way in which new hot keys can be defined (which keys can be at the first,second,and third position). How to define new hot keys: -highlight the command in List Box; -press 'Modify-1',or 'Modify-2' button; if command is included in Menu, Status Line, or Pulldown Menus and you have chosen 'Modify-1' the new shortcut will overwrite the old one. ! NOW YOU SHOULD USE BUTTONS BELOW ! ! THE HORIZONTAL LINE ! -choose the first key; -choose the second key (if allowed); -choose the third key (if allowed); -the modification ends automatically when the key is pressed and this key ends possible shortcut; -if the shortcut is used by another command the Inform window will be displayed asking if you want to save new shortcut and delete old one or descard changes and return to previous situation; -if you do not have a mouse you can use the corresponding keys from your keyboard; Possible shortcuts: One Key: F1 - F10, Delete, End, Home, PgUp, PgDn, DownArr, UpArr, LeftArr, RigthArr, BackSpace, Insert Two Keys: Shift-F1,..,F10 Alt-F1,..,F10 Shift-Ins Alt-A,..,Z Shift-Tab Alt-Space Shift-Delete Alt-Minus Alt-Equal Ctrl-A..Z (without I,Q,K) Ctrl-Insert Ctrl-Home Ctrl-PgUp Ctrl-PgDn Ctrl-Delete Ctrl-End Ctrl-RightArr,LeftArr Ctrl-DownArr,UpArr Ctrl-BackArr Three Keys: Ctrl-K-A..Z Ctrl-Q-A..Z Ctrl-K-[ Ctrl-Q-[ Ctrl-K-] Ctrl-Q-] Ctrl-K-Space Ctrl-Q-Space How to use new shortcuts: -first define your shortcuts; -save them in a file (.CMD extension); -from 'Config' choose 'Load Commands' item and load your ??.CMD file; -from 'Config' choose 'Mode Commands' and mark 'Use new Commands'; -save VED options if you want Editor to start with the same setting; -if you are in a 'Use new Commands' mode and you open 'Define Commands' dialog box then you can modify your short cuts and save then in a new or old file. Also see: / Config|Commands Mode, Config|Load Commands Load Commands dialog box This dialog box is a standard File dialog box which allows you to load a previously defined commands from a file. / A default extension for command files is CMD. | Before you can load commands from a file first you have to create a command file using Config|Commands Mode menu function. Also see: 1 Config|Commands Mode, Config|Define Commands Create New Command File As dialog box This dialog box is a standard Save dialog box which allows you to store newly defined commands in a file. / A default extension for command files is CMD. h After you store your commands in a file you can load them by using Config|Load Commands menu function. Also see: / Config|Commands Mode, Config|Load Commands Screen Blanker dialog box This dialog box allows you to set the following screen blanker options: 1) Blank After - enter the time (in minutes) after which the screen will be blanked if neither key is pressed nor mouse is used during that period; o 2) Pixels Number - enter number of pixels that will be displayed during blankout periods (0 means no pixels); n 3) Sound On/Off - if you check this input box thunder-like sounds will be generated during blankout periods. G You can test the settings immediately by clicking on the Test button. See also : Dialog Box. Directories dialog box 'Directories' dialog box contains : radio buttons : Save Desktop in ) Current Directory ( ) Options Directory If you select 'Current Directory' VED.DSK (desktop) file will be stored in the current directory. If you select 'Options Directory' the desktop file will be stored always in the same directory as the Options file (in the Vision Edit home directory). ! Also see: Options|Save Desktop, Options|Save Options Date Formats dialog box Allows selecting a date format for the Insert Date command. The Date Formats dialog box contains: i Date Format radio buttons : Date Format ) 01/31/93 ( ) 01/31/1993 ( ) 93/01/31 ( ) 1993/01/31 ( ) January 31, 93 ( ) January 31, 1993 ( ) Jan. 31, 93 ( ) Jan. 31, 1993 It shows all supported date formats - you have to select one of them. Upper Case check box: Upper Case [ ] On / Off If you check the Upper Case box the name of the month will be converted to upper case e.g. : JAN. 31, 93 (relevant only for last 4 formats). Date Type radio buttons : Date Type ) System Date ( ) File Creation Date If you select the System Date, your current system date will be used. If you select the File Creation Date, the date of creation of the file which is edited will be used (if the file is new system date will be used). Sort Lines dialog box Sort Lines dialog box is open by KeyCmds|Block Commands|Sort Lines menu command. " Sort Lines dialog box contains : Sort Order radio buttons: Sort Order ) Ascending ( ) Descending If you select Ascending sort order lines will be sorted in ascending order (A..Z). If you select Descending sort order lines will be sorted in descending order (Z..A). Sort Options check boxes: Sort Options [ ] Case Sensitive [ ] Remove Blank Lines Case Sensitive check box determines if the sort will be case-sensitive (default) or not (box unchecked). If Remove Blank Lines is checked empty lines will be removed from the sorted file or block. Lines are considered empty if they do not have any characters except the New Line character - lines containing only spaces are not considered empty. If you click on Cancel button (or press ) the sort will be canceled. If you click on OK button lines of the file (open in the topmost window) will be sorted. If the file is large the sort can take quite a while. You can interrupt the sort by pressing . See also : Dialog Delete Macro dialog box The dialog box displays the List of Macros from the Macro Menu. You can delete a Macro from the list by selecting it and clicking on a Delete button. See also : Dialog Modify Character/String dialog box The Modify Character/String dialog box contains: - 3 standard buttons: OK, Cancel, Help; - Character or String input line: Character String Enter the character (or string) into the Character (or String) input box and choose OK to accept the new character, or choose Cancel to forget it. You can also enter ASCII codes directly from the keyboard - hold down Alt key, enter ASCII code from the numeric keypad and release Alt key. Using this method you can enter characters with ASCII codes between 32 and 255. In order to enter special characters (with ASCII codes < 32) first press Ctrl-K and then a combination of keys corresponding to that character, e.g.: - Ctrl-K Ctrl-A gives character #1 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-B gives character #2 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-C gives character #3 - Ctrl-K Ctrl-M gives character #13 (CR) See also : Dialog Macro Editor dialog box Macro Editor dialog box allows you to view, delete, modify, and insert macro commands. If your macro file is too large it will be truncated (a warning message will be displayed). Macro Editor in the Protected Mode version of Vision Edit (VED286.EXE) can handle much larger macro files. Macro Editor contains: - a list of all Macro Commands read from the opened macro file: ABCD . . . . . . You can scroll through the list using either a mouse and the scroll bar or using standard keys (arrow keys,PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, etc.). The names of commands are similar to the corresponding menu commands. - the following buttons: Delete Deletes the highlighted command. % Modify Allows modification of only some macro commands (those having arguments). Depending on the macro command a different dialog box is displayed e.g. command displays a standard Find dialog box where you can modify search options as well as the search text. % Insert Displays Select Macro Command dialog box from which you can select a new Macro Command. A selected command is inserted at the current (highlighted) position. Two commands deserve special attention - they can only be inserted from the Macro Editor: I 1) Insert String - you can insert a sequence of characters all at once. 0 2) Execute Macro - allows you to execute a macro from within a macro (nested macros). You can nest macros to any level - limited only by the available memory. Using this capability you can create a number of small, sigle-function macros and then combine them to larger macros performing specific tasks. % Save Saves the edited list of macro commands to a file. If the file does not have a name (UNTITLED) a Create Macro dialog box is displayed where you can enter the file name. % Open Closes the current macro file and displays Open Macro dialog box where you can select a new macro file for editing. % New Closes the current macro file and displays the empty macro command list. You can insert new macro commands using Insert button and then save it using Save button to a new macro file. % Close Closes the Macro Editor dialog box. If the edited file has been modified you will have a chance to save it. % Help Displays this help screen. See also : Dialog Select Macro Command dialog box This dialog box allows you to select a macro command that will be inserted into the edited macro file. It contains: - a list of all Macro Commands: ABCD . . . . . . You can scroll through the list using either a mouse and the scroll bar or using standard keys (arrow keys,PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, etc.). The names of commands are similar to the corresponding menu commands. * - 3 standard buttons: OK, Cancel, Help; - 2 columns of Command Selection buttons: The buttons allow selective display of commands e.g. the Search button displays commands related to searching (found in the Search Menu). The All button displays a list of all macro commands. Most macro commands correspond directly to commands found in the pull-down menus and they are displayed in the same order. Two special commands (not found in the menus) are : - - inserts a character into the open Edit Window at the cursor position; - - allows entering several characters at once; See also : Dialog Search for File(s) with Text dialog box The Search for Files with Text dialog box contains: 7 1) input box with a history list for entering a text. g 2) input box with a history list for entering File Mask (in which file(s) a text should be searched). 3) input box with a history list for entering directory from which search should start. (first it checks files in current directory and then it looks for the text in all subdirectories) / 4) the standard OK, Help, and Cancel buttons. Enter the search string in the Text to Find input box, the file wildcard in the File Mask input box, and the directory from which search should start. Choose OK to begin the search, or choose Cancel to forget it. Results will be displayed in Search dialog Search for File(s) dialog box The Search for File(s) dialog box contains: 9 1) input box with a history list for entering File Mask 2) input box with a history list for entering directory from which search should start. (first it checks file's names in current directory and then it looks for the files in all subdirectories) / 3) the standard OK, Help, and Cancel buttons. Enter the file wildcard in the File Mask input box and the directory from which search should start. Choose OK to begin the search, or choose Cancel to forget it. Results will be displayed in Search File dialog box. Select Files dialog box The Select File(s) dialog box contains: 1) Choose Option radio buttons: (.) Wildcard ( ) Date (after) ( ) Date (before) ( ) Wildcard & Date (after) ( ) Wildcard & Date (before) ( ) Clear ( ) Reverse Here you can specify what should be considered during the selection of files. 2) input box with a history list for entering file mask (wildcard). Only important when you choose option which includes Wildcard 3) three input boxes for entering a date M(Month), D(Day), Y(Year). Only important when the program should consider the date of the last change made in the file during selection. / 4) the standard OK, Help, and Cancel buttons. In accordance with the chosen option fill the input boxes (date or wildcard or both). Choose OK to begin the selection, or choose Cancel to forget it. Results will be displayed in a File Manager dialog box. There will be ' ' sign before the name of each selected file in the File Panel Viewer area. If you choose 'clear' option then all selected files will be unmarked (sign ' ' disappears). Delete Which dialog box The Delete Which dialog box contains: q 1) there is a question which file(s) should be taken for deletion. Below are buttons which allow you to answer. S 2) button 'Marked': when you choose this button all marked files will be deleted. X 3) button 'Current': when you choose this button the highlighted file will be deleted. + 4) the standard Help, and Cancel buttons. File(s) For Opening The Open Which dialog box contains: p 1) there is a question which file(s) should be taken for opening. Below are buttons which allow you to answer. | 2) button 'Add Marked': when you choose this button all marked files from the File Panel Viewer will be added to the list. 3) button 'Add Current': when you choose this button currently highlighted file from the File Panel Viewer will be added to the list. 4) button 'Remove': when you press this button a highlighted file will be removed from the list (if there is any). You can also remove a file by double clicking on a file. ' 5) the standard Help, and OK buttons. , When you choose button 'Add Marked' or 'Add Current' appropriate files from the File Panel Viewer will be added to the list. When you leave File Manager (by pressing button 'Close') all files from the list will be opened. If you leave File Manager by pressing 'Esc' key then no file will be opened. Confirm File Deletion dialog box The Confirm File Deletion dialog box contains: N 1) the name of the file which will be deleted if you choose the button 'Yes' , 2) button 'Yes' continues deletion process ) 3) button 'No' cancels deletion process Confirm Directory Deletion dialog box The Confirm Directory Deletion dialog box contains: 1) the name of the Directory (highlighted directory from the Directory Panel Viewer) which will be deleted if you choose the button 'Yes'. , 2) button 'Yes' continues deletion process ) 3) button 'No' cancels deletion process Make Subdirectory dialog box The Make Subdirectory dialog box contains: ~ 1) the name of the Directory in which a subdirectory will be created if you enter the correct name and press the button 'OK' = 2) Input line where you can enter the name of subdirectory. * 3) button 'OK': creates the subdirectory % 4) button 'Cancel': cancels process Copy dialog box The Copy File(s) dialog box contains: ; 1) input box with a history list for entering destination / 2) the standard OK, Help, and Cancel buttons. y Enter the destination where selected files should be copied. Choose OK to start copying, or choose Cancel to forget it. File's Panel Preferences dialog box The File's Panel Preferences dialog box contains: 1) input box with a history list for entering File Mask (files which match the wildcard will be displayed in the File Panel Viewer) v 2) check box Show Hidden/System. When checked the hidden and system files will be displayed in the File Panel Viewer 3) sort by radio buttons: - Name : names of files are considered - Extension : extensions of files are considered - Size : sizes of files are considered - Date/Time : dates of creation(last changes) are considered. 4) sort order radio buttons: - Ascending : files will be sorted in ascending order (A..Z) - Descending : files will be sorted in descending order (A..Z) 5) the standard OK, Help, and Cancel buttons. Enter the file wildcard in the File Mask input box. Mark radio buttons in 'Sort By' and 'Sort Order' boxes. Press OK button when you want the display in the File Panel Viewer be updated, or choose Cancel to discard changes. Text Search dialog box The Text Search dialog box contains: 1) the Files List box which lists the names of files containing the text. By double clicking the mouse on the name of the file you can mark file for opening. There will be " " sign before the name. You can also mark selected file by pressing 'Open' button. L 2) the View Window which displays part of the file with the selected text. 3) information lines: ] - Text to find: what text is searched for - Search mask: wildcard which matches file names - Starting directory: from which directory search should start - Files with text: number of files in which text was found - Files matching mask: number of files which were searched - Currently searched: name of a currently searched file 4) button 'Continue': continues the search in current file U 5) button 'Next': continues the search in the next file which matches the File Mask D 6) button 'Stop': stops the search but the dialog box is still on. B 7) button 'Open': selects file for opening in the File List box. K 8) button 'Open All': selects all files for opening in the File List box. @ 9) button 'Cancel': stops the search and closes the dialog box / 10) button 'Help': displays this information. File Search dialog box The File Search dialog box contains: 1) the Files List box which lists the names of files matching the File Mask. By double clicking the mouse on the name of the file you can mark file for opening.There will be " " sign before the name. You can also mark selected file by pressing 'Open' button. 2) information lines: - Search mask: wildcard which matches file names - Starting directory: from which directory search should start - Files found: number of files which match wildcard - Directories searched: number of directories which were checked 3) button 'Open': selects file for opening in the File List box. K 4) button 'Open All': selects all files for opening in the File List box. * 5) the standard Help, and Close buttons. File Manager dialog box The File Manager dialog box contains: = 1) the Directory Panel Viewer which displays directory tree { 2) the File Panel Viewer which displays the list of files (matching a wildcard) from selected directory (if there is any) : 3) the Drive Panel Viewer which displays the drive list. o 4) button 'Attr'(change attributes): Invokes Change Attributes dialog box in which you define new attributes. f 5) button 'Mark': Invokes Select Files dialog box in which you define the pattern for marking files. 6) button 'Copy': Invokes Copy File(s) dialog box in which you can specify destination. You can copy highlighted or marked files to another drive/directory. \ 6) button 'Rename': Invokes Rename File dialog box which allows you to enter the new name. y 5) button 'Delete': Invokes Confirm Deletion dialog box which allows you to specify what files you want to delete. 6) button 'RmDir'(Remove Directory): Invokes Confirm Directory Deletion dialog box which wants you to confirm the deletion of a directory. x 7) button 'MkDir'(Make Directory): Invokes Make Subdirectory dialog box which allows you to create a new subdirectory. 8) button 'ChDir'(Change Directory): Makes the highlighted directory from the Directory Panel Viewer the current directory.If the Drive Panel Viewer is active then the highlighted drive will be chosen as the current directory. 9) button 'Open': Invokes File(s) Opening dialog box which allows you to mark files for opening or remove previously marked files from the list. 9) button 'S_F'(search for files): you can search for files matching a wildcard. Invokes Search File(s) dialog box where you define wildcard and starting directory. 10) button 'S_T'(search for text): you can search for files containing 'text' string. Invokes Search Text dialog box where you define wildcard, text, and starting directory. _ 11)button 'Options': Invokes File's Panel Preferences dialog box in which you define options. ( 12)button 'Help': invokes this window. 13)button 'Close': closes File Manager. All files marked for opening in File Search or Text Search dialog box, or directly in File Manager will be opened. Drive Panel Viewer The Drive Panel Viewer is an area where the drive list is displayed. To change a drive: - select the Drive Panel Viewer(Tab key or mouse) - select the drive (mouse or arrow keys) - press 'Enter' key or double click the mouse Contents of the Directory Panel Viewer and the File Panel Viewer are updated. Change Attributes dialog box The Change Attributes dialog box contains: " 1) the name of the selected file 2) the group of check boxes which specify the file attributes. When the dialog is displayed the group shows the current attribute status of the file. You can change attributes as you wish and press button 'OK' . 3) the standard OK, Help, and Cancel buttons Rename File dialog box The Rename File dialog box contains: ! 1) the current name of the file ( 2) input box for entering the new name . 3) the standard OK, Help, and Cancel buttons Directory Panel Viewer The Directory Panel Viewer is an area where directory tree of selected drive or root directory is displayed. Directory Panel: -C: Level1Dir1 Level1Dir2 +Level2SubDir1 -scroll bar Level2SubDir2 for scrolling directory +Level1Dir3 tree Level1Dir4 directories which have subdirectories are white and have '+' plus sign before the name. The tree expands (the subdirectory are displayed) when you click a mouse befor the name of the directory or when directory is highlighted press '+' plus gray key. If you want to hide subdirectories press '-' minus gray key when root directory is highlighted or click the mouse before the name of the directory. To expand currently selected directory and all subdirectories press '*' gray key. You can select directory by using the mouse or by using arrow keys. Each time when you select new directory the File Panel is updated-displays all files of currently highlighted directory. You can select a file or group of files (marked) from the File Panel Viewer by clicking the mouse and holding the button.The name(s) of files are displayed on the screen. By holding and moving the button you can move the file list. When you release the button on any directory it means: you intend to copy the files to this directory. You should confirm your intention in Confirm dialog box. File Panel Viewer The File Panel Viewer is an area where a list of files is displayed from currently highlighted directory in the Directory Panel Viewer. Each item in the list contains file name with extension, size of the file in bytes, date of creation or last changes, time, and attributes. Files in the list can be selected by double clicking with the mouse or by specifying which files should be selected in the Select Files dialog box. X Selected files can be copied or deleted in one operation - press corresponding button. d To switch between the Directory Panel Viewer and The File Panel Viewer press Tab key or use mouse. Screen Mode Selection dialog box Allows selecting other screen modes supported by your VGA card. Before you can start using this function you have to install your graphics card (see: VGA Installation). The dialog box contains: 1) A list box that displays all screen modes supported by your video card (created by VGA Installation procedure); " 2) Standard buttons OK and Info. I Just select (highlight) the desired screen mode and click on OK button. Save File As dialog box The 'Save file as' dialog box contains: - the Name input box; - the Files list; - a list of Disk Drives; - a file information panel; - two standard Cancel and OK) buttons; - a history list that's attached to the Name input You can enter the file name on the input line or select it from the file list. If you enter an existing file name that file will be overwritten. See also : Dialog